European Norms Electrical Certification No. 370.069. B'Light® conforms to the European Standards EN 60.598.1 and EN 60.598.2.1 and EN 60.825-1, classIII, IP. These standrards cover all aspects of product safety, including electrical, mechanical and thermal specifications. The electrical tests on B'Light@ products were carried out by the Swiss Electrotechnical Association. Compliance certification ENEC 13 No. 95.110960

All products subject to the EMC guideline 89/336 (electromagnetic compatibility) and the guideline 73/23 (low voltage) meet the requirements therein and bear the CE symbol on their packaging.
Products with discharge lamps ans electronic components in accordance with the valid EN norm, which in the basis of the EMC guideline 89/336 (elctromagnetic compatibility) do not cause interference.

USA certification Standrad for luminaires UL1598/CSA C22.2 NO.250.0-00

Gost Mark Certification - Russian safety standards

All luminaires meet the F requirements in accordance with EN 60598-1 and are suitable for mounting on normal inflammable surfaces (houseing parts)

European Certification according to CCA procedures (CENELEC Certification Agreement) with NTR (Notification of test Resuls).
Conformation of conformity with safety and EMC standard

Class III Luminaires